Relevant Publications

Urban Space: Digital Age, Aesthetics, and Politics

Wagner, Christiane. Visualizations of Urban Space: Digital Age, Aesthetics, and Politics. Advances in Urban Sustainability. London and New York: Routledge, 2022.

This book explores environments where art, imagination, and creative practice meet urban spaces at the point where they connect to the digital world. It investigates relationships between urban visualizations, aesthetics, and politics in the context of new technologies, and social and urban challenges toward the Sustainable Development Goals. Across the 12 chapters, it looks at how architecture and design play significant roles in causing and solving complex environmental transformations in the digital turn. By fostering transdisciplinary encounters between architecture, design, visual arts, and cinematography, this book presents different theoretical approaches to how the arts’ interplay with the environment responds to the logic of the constructions of reality.

Foreword by Morton Schoolman, State University of New York at Albany.

For information, click here.

Art, Design and the “Technicized Aesthetics”

Wagner, Christiane, Lars Christian Grabbe, and Tobias Held, eds. Kunst, Design und die »Technisierte Ästhetik« [Art, Design and the “Technicized Aesthetics”]. Reihe Welt, Gestalten, Bd. 6. Marburg: Büchner-Verlag, 2023.

Long live the machine, long live technology! In the civilizational imponderables of mechanization, the creative nowadays shows itself at the interface of technology and aesthetics, within the creative unpredictability of the new apparatuses and in the context of a machine-aesthetic already manifoldly anchored in everyday culture. Since this has become the socio-cultural norm, a wide variety of communicative (media) transformations have emerged through graphic and interactive interfaces. These have led to general changes in the subjective perception of analog and digital media. Characterized by networking, hyperlocality, hybridization, cyborgization, and multimediality, they express or initiated a decidedly “technicized aesthetics.” This volume of the series Welt | Gestalten brings together interdisciplinary contributions that systematically relate the “logic of technization” to a “logic of the aesthetic.”

For more information, please click here.

“Industria 4.0: Laboratórios da vida pública” [Industry 4.0: laboratories of public life], updated version of the previous article “Espaços inovadores como laboratórios da vida pública na era digital” [Innovative spaces as laboratories of public life in the digital age], Revista Humanitas, v. 166 (August 25, 2023): 30-36

Member of the Editorial Committee, University of São Paulo (Link)

Revista Cultura e Extensão USP

Associate Editor at Revista Cultura e Extensão USP, University of São Paulo.

Revista USP

UN, global order, and the autonomy of art: from Portinari to Rauschenberg. Revista USP, 1(133), 171-186.

War and Peace, murals by Candido Portinari, 1957.

Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine 

Christiane Wagner is the founder, editor-in-chief and creative director of Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine, an open-access, biannual, and peer-reviewed online magazine. 

Published Books

In Art: Invention and Artifice. Blücher, 2009.

Esthétique : l’image contemporaine. L’analyse du concept de l’innovation [Aesthetics: contemporary image. Analysis of the concept innovation] Blick, 2013.

Estética Urbana: aspectos filosóficos e sociais da beleza metropolitana e seu reverso [Urban aesthetics: philosophical and social aspects of metropolitan beauty and its reverse]. NEA, 2017.

“L’idéal du beau au risque de l’art contemporain. L’expérience esthétique sous l’effet des médias” [The ideal of beauty at the risk of contemporary art. The aesthetic experience under the effect of the media, peer reviewed article written in French]. Centre d’Études et de Recherches en Esthétique et Arts Plastiques, Les risques de l’art, Revue Recherches en Esthétique n° 27 (2022).

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